Dust and Form

Dust and Form

Brielle Rovito of Dust & Form creates sculptures using some of Vermont’s beautiful natural materials: granite, and marble.

By 2019 she had expanded her studio and begun to take on wholesale orders, expanding into mass manufacturing of her pieces.

In February 2020, Brielle attended a large NYC trade show and was blown away by orders of her product. She returned to Vermont to begin work on these orders and immediately faced the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Partnering with Community Navigator for Videography Project

Brielle knew that replicating the sense of her products at a physical show would be challenging.  She also faced incredible challenges and expenses related to Covid during the next month, including supply chain and shipping issues and staffing problems.

She decided that video, rather than photography, would best present her work in the digital space.  These videos are the work of Christina Bernales of Marais Studios, who Brielle partnered with for her CNPP project.

Videography has helped Brielle continue with her mission: “Together with natural materials, we seek to embody the mystery of the common moment. Our work draws on the wisdom of nature and our shared human essence to reassure us of our connected place here.”

This story is part of the Community Navigator Pilot Program. Learn more at vtsbdc.org/find-cnpp

Funding (in part) through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Previous Course for Vermont educators energized by solving problems, inspiring creativity, and having fun

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NSW 96209, Canada

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